You know immediately when you’ve seen a Kelton Grayson sculpture. For the work captures your attention and holds you present, removing the need to be anywhere else but right there with it. And when you invest in a piece, the moment can be entered into again and again with a look, a thought, a discussion about the piece, returning you once again to mindfulness. Because when you become mindful, who you are connects to unlimited possibilities.

That’s the power of transformative art. 

When you walk past the bubbling hexagonal rimmed Three Rivers Fountain in Victoria Square, the history-rich feature exudes beauty while functioning as the walkway and park in the centre of Adelaide; its form follows function, unlike traditional works of art which have no function. 

The beauty in art comes from its lack of function, leaving only: respect and reverence for the piece brought to life by an artist who uses a specific process, the result making you feel something. And the form is merely the vessel in which the art takes shape, such as an oil painting on canvas, charcoal drawing on paper, photo collage of the botanical gardens, or perhaps even metal sculpture that combines different materials and contrasts textures like the works of Kelton Grayson. 

And when you rest in that beauty, function no longer matters because the work provokes a change in you akin to meditation but without the effort. For you see in every Kelton Grayson sculpture the before and after, the preparation, concentration and discipline required to bring each piece to life, with every single aspect of its journey considered and shared; the journey awakening and aligning your own thought processes of how you came to be in this moment and what you might do if you take this gift of who you are—your skills, experiences and potential for mastery—and self-actualize. 

Whether it’s the sculpture, the video diary or a print, every piece offers space and time to look inward and discover unknown possibilities, all you have to do is be.

Masked Head

Cast Aluminium

Participant in YICCA International Contest of Contemporary Art 23/24 - Milan, Italy

Click here for more information and creation video


Cast Aluminium
or Cast Bronze

Selected entrant to Brighton Jetty Sculpture Competition - Brighton, South Australia 2025

Click here for more information


Hand wrought sheet aluminium

Click here for more information and creation video

Hands of Man

Cast Bronze

Click here for more information